Thursday, October 8, 2020

Raising awareness of dyslexia in engineering

UK: The first Dyslexia in Engineering Day is being marked by a series of webinars raising awareness of the challenges and potential of those in the HVACR industry with dyslexia.

The brain-child of Steve Gill, past president of the Institute of Refrigeration and founder of World Refrigeration Day, the event has attracted interest from associations such as the Institution of Engineering and Technology, the Building Engineering Services Association, the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) and CIBSE. 

Webinar speakers will include former CIBSE president Andy Ford and Tracey Richardson, former president of CIPHE will join an impressive line-up of speakers on three panel-style sessions:

12.30: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) will be hosting a webinar panel discussion with members sharing their experiences and successes. Real engineers talking about their lives. Join here.

14.30: IMI Hydronic Engineering will be hosting a webinar panel discussion with HVAC&R leaders sharing their experiences of being dyslexic and how this helped them. Register here.

16.00: BESA Group are hosting a collaborative webinar panel discussion webinar with representatives from CIBSE, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering, the Institute of Refrigeration, and London South Bank University discussing the opportunities and challenges for the engineering industry. Register here.

Steve Gill will be joining the first event as a panellist before chairing the second and third webinars of the day.

“I am really thrilled that this subject is finally being discussed openly. For many in our industry, there is still an outdated stigma attached to being dyslexic. We don’t know the extent of it within engineering as there has been no significant research that I am aware of but some estimates suggest that it could be as high as 30% which has significant implications for the whole industry.”

The post Raising awareness of dyslexia in engineering appeared first on Cooling Post.


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