Thursday, December 17, 2020

ACCA offers online A2L refrigerant training

USA: The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) is to provide an online training course in A2L refrigerants. 

With A2L “mildly-flammable” refrigerants being gradually phased into the US HVACR industry, the ACCA, which represents 60,000 professionals from over 3,000 member companies, is keen to provide early adapters with the necessary handling and safety advice. 

Bringing this A2L refrigerant training to the marketplace was made a priority by ACCA board chair, Lanny Huffman of Hickory Sheet Metal Co. Huffman initiated proactive measures last year by participating in a safe refrigerant transition task force, coordinated by the Air-Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), to best educate the HVAC industry at large.

“This training is necessary because there has not been updated training on HVAC refrigerants in years,” said Huffman. “With this transition to mildly-flammable refrigerants, this changes the handling protocol considerably. In the interest of consumer protection and HVAC employees, proper training needs to be in place to ensure the safety of all involved.”

The ACCA has designed its new A2L training to be affordable for entire teams. The cost of the 90-minute online course and digital workbook is $35 for ACCA members and $49 for non-members. Those passing the test, earn a certificate of completion that demonstrates a commitment to keeping customers and employees safe.

For more information about the ACCA A2L flammable refrigerant training, click here

The post ACCA offers online A2L refrigerant training appeared first on Cooling Post.


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