Saturday, April 10, 2021

How about a bit of a storytime of my one repair yesterday.

So it was late friday afternoon, and i get called out to see why a coldroom was tripping at the one restaurant. The manager shows me inside and the fans are off and we cant hear the unit running and he shows me that it tripped on the DB board on the earth leakage. He told me that if the coldroom is switched off, then it wont trip.

So i go and switch off all the isolators for the fridge, there were 4 because there were 4 units running the coldroom and freezer.

Thinking now that the earth leakage wont trip i go and switch the coldroom switch on on the DB board and the earth leakage switch trips. Put them down and it doesn't trip.

So at this point i tell the customer that they will need an electrician to sort out that problem and he he tells me that he has two underbars that i must check out

So i start checking the underbars and then they suddenly switch off, and i see the earth leakage is tripped again, so i reset it and now a different switch is tripping, so i leave that off and go back to checking the underbar, and about 5 minutes later the switch trips again.

Now i am frustrated and i see a woman going to the DB board trying to reset the switch, so i go and ask her what she was having a problem with, she tells me she wants to use the urn. I calmly ask her to unplug the urn, she does, and then i turn on every single switch and nothing trips, and the coldroom is running and everything works.

So it turns out she was literally going around to every socket with her urn and plugging it in looking for a socket that has power. And yes i did thank the lady for finding the problem and thanked her that i can now give them a nice invoice for the trouble.

submitted by /u/soupa-hot-fire
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